Friday, September 18, 2009

Happy 19th B'day Deranged Boyfriend! =D

This may come in early.

Dear Dhevia Kalyana Sundram- deranged boyfriend-chutney-Mama of all Hot Mama's- my 9 year best friend!

This is for you and why I LOVE you so much!!

you're one person i will always turn to whenever i need a shoulder to cry on.
you're one person who showers your love without fail.
you're one person who has a brilliant mind.
you're one person who knows whats right, whats wrong and WHEN to break the rules.
you're one person who'll make a GREAT leader.
you're one person who i can go crazy, whacky and manja with!
you're one person who i know is beautiful inside and out, a beautiful soul.
you're one person whom i call my best girl friend.
you're one person whom i call my sister.
you're one person who i never regretted knowing.
you're one person i will always, CHERISH.

cheers to you Dhevia Kalyana Sundram, for being you!

Love you to bits <3


shobs said...

awh babe, uber sweet! :D

dheviaks said...

aww BABE, i don't know how to THANK YOU enough! i literally SOBBED my eyes out reading this! tears of joy nonethless. :)

you mean so much to me, i want you to know that. who else would give me such flawless, impeccable advice on fashion! hee.

i love you bestie!

thank you, again!

more love, hugs and kisses for my beautiful dandelion! XO.