I remember the days where we would lie in bed, sing Disney songs or any song for that matter and talk for hours.
I remember the days where we had a large bottle brush tree and we would climb it to sit on the top and just watch the world pass us by.
I remember the days where we ran outside and play in the cold rain and run back in to have a HOT bath!
I remember the days when she first left to Dublin and i cried my eyes out and so did she.
I remembered the days where we would just take crazy pictures of ourselves for fun.
and Now, in almost a week from today, my dear sister will be wed to one of the most sweetest, lovable, trusting, HANDY person, EMMANUEL DHOSS.
This is for YOU chech, for all that we've been through and more years to come :)
the things you've said in this post is so sweet.. time sure does fly by and who knows maybe u'll get married next :)
this was absolutely sweet babe :)
you're an amazing sister AND best friend. you're both to me really. always have been and well, i'll always ALWAYS love you!
good luck with the wedding preps missay! i'll see you real soon!
<3 hugs and kisses <3
Daenesh : Thanks so much. yeah, time sure does fly by FAST! me? get married next? haha! no way! still too young. :)
Dhevy Baby: thanks darling :) you have always been my bestie and sister. always, and will be. i LOVE you too!
see you both soon! <3
super sweetness babe (:
I hope the wedding goes well, and pray that my card reaches your place on time! :D I hope to see tons of pics online, I miss everyone of the Shekhar's absomuchos.
Send mum, sis and bro my love <3
this is so sweet. :) Mom said the wedding was a success. and I'm very proud of you babe! very much indeed. :)
Love you so much. <3 <3
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